CLion will even make sure your code conforms to coding guidelines, including formatting, naming, and more. Code generation. Generate tons of boilerplate code instantly. Override and implement functions with simple shortcuts. Generate constructors and destructors, getters and setters, and equality, relational, and stream output operators. This plugin aims to leverage Arduino development with CLion by providing Serial Monitor Tool Window. It allows you to communicate to your Arduino device without leaving the IDE. Functionality is pretty similar to those, available in Arduino IDE through 'Serial Monitor. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. CLion¶ CLion is a cross-platform C/C IDE for Linux, OS X, and Windows. CLion includes such features as a smart editor, code generation, code quality assurance, automated refactorings, on-the-fly code analysis, project manager, integrated version control systems and debugger. Refer to the CLion Documentation page for more detailed information. Monitorport ¶ Type: String Multiple: No. Port, a number or a device name, or valid URL Handlers. See pio device monitor-port. To print all available serial ports please use pio device list command. Please note that you can use Unix shell-style wildcards.

Next: File Transfer, Up: Remote Debugging [Contents][Index]

20.1 Connecting to a Remote Target

This section describes how to connect to a remote target, including thetypes of connections and their differences, how to set up executable andsymbol files on the host and target, and the commands used forconnecting to and disconnecting from the remote target.

20.1.1 Types of Remote Connections

GDB supports two types of remote connections, target remotemode and target extended-remote mode. Note that many remote targetssupport only target remote mode. There are several majordifferences between the two types of connections, enumerated here:

Result of detach or program exit

With target remote mode: When the debugged program exits or youdetach from it, GDB disconnects from the target. When usinggdbserver, gdbserver will exit.

With target extended-remote mode: When the debugged program exits oryou detach from it, GDB remains connected to the target, eventhough no program is running. You can rerun the program, attach to arunning program, or use monitor commands specific to the target.

When using gdbserver in this case, it does not exit unless it wasinvoked using the --once option. If the --once optionwas not used, you can ask gdbserver to exit using themonitor exit command (see Monitor Commands for gdbserver).

Specifying the program to debug

For both connection types you use the file command to specify theprogram on the host system. If you are using gdbserver there aresome differences in how to specify the location of the program on thetarget.

With target remote mode: You must either specify the program to debugon the gdbserver command line or use the --attach option(see Attaching to a Running Program).

With target extended-remote mode: You may specify the program to debugon the gdbserver command line, or you can load the program or attachto it using GDB commands after connecting to gdbserver.


You can start gdbserver without supplying an initial command to runor process ID to attach. To do this, use the --multi command lineoption. Then you can connect using target extended-remote and startthe program you want to debug (see below for details on using therun command in this scenario). Note that the conditions under whichgdbserver terminates depend on how GDB connects to it(target remote or target extended-remote). The--multi option to gdbserver has no influence on that.

The run command

With target remote mode: The run command is notsupported. Once a connection has been established, you can use allthe usual GDB commands to examine and change data. Theremote program is already running, so you can use commands likestep and continue.


With target extended-remote mode: The run command issupported. The run command uses the value set byset remote exec-file (see set remote exec-file) to selectthe program to run. Command line arguments are supported, except forwildcard expansion and I/O redirection (see Arguments).

If you specify the program to debug on the command line, then therun command is not required to start execution, and you canresume using commands like step and continue as withtarget remote mode.


With target remote mode: The GDB command attach isnot supported. To attach to a running program using gdbserver, youmust use the --attach option (see Running gdbserver).

With target extended-remote mode: To attach to a running program,you may use the attach command after the connection has beenestablished. If you are using gdbserver, you may also invokegdbserver using the --attach option(see Running gdbserver).

Some remote targets allow GDB to determine the executable file runningin the process the debugger is attaching to. In such a case, GDBuses the value of exec-file-mismatch to handle a possible mismatchbetween the executable file name running in the process and the name of thecurrent exec-file loaded by GDB (see set exec-file-mismatch).

20.1.2 Host and Target Files

GDB, running on the host, needs access to symbol and debugginginformation for your program running on the target. This requires access to an unstripped copy of your program, and possibly any associatedsymbol files. Note that this section applies equally to both targetremote mode and target extended-remote mode.

Some remote targets (see qXfer executable filename read, andsee Host I/O Packets) allow GDB to access program files overthe same connection used to communicate with GDB. With such atarget, if the remote program is unstripped, the only command you need istarget remote (or target extended-remote).

If the remote program is stripped, or the target does not support remoteprogram file access, start up GDB using the name of the localunstripped copy of your program as the first argument, or use thefile command. Use set sysroot to specify the location (onthe host) of target libraries (unless your GDB was compiled withthe correct sysroot using --with-sysroot). Alternatively, youmay use set solib-search-path to specify how GDB locatestarget libraries.

The symbol file and target libraries must exactly match the executableand libraries on the target, with one exception: the files on the hostsystem should not be stripped, even if the files on the target systemare. Mismatched or missing files will lead to confusing resultsduring debugging. On GNU/Linux targets, mismatched or missingfiles may also prevent gdbserver from debugging multi-threadedprograms.

20.1.3 Remote Connection Commands

GDB can communicate with the target over a serial line, alocal Unix domain socket, orover an IP network using TCP or UDP. Ineach case, GDB uses the same protocol for debugging yourprogram; only the medium carrying the debugging packets varies. Thetarget remote and target extended-remote commandsestablish a connection to the target. Both commands accept the samearguments, which indicate the medium to use:

target remote serial-device
target extended-remote serial-device

Use serial-device to communicate with the target. For example,to use a serial line connected to the device named /dev/ttyb:

If you’re using a serial line, you may want to give GDB the‘--baud’ option, or use the set serial baud command(see set serial baud) before thetarget command.

target remote local-socket
target extended-remote local-socket

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Use local-socket to communicate with the target. For example,to use a local Unix domain socket bound to the file system entry /tmp/gdb-socket0:

Note that this command has the same form as the command to connectto a serial line. GDB will automatically determine whichkind of file you have specified and will make the appropriate kindof connection.This feature is not available if the host system does not supportUnix domain sockets.

target remote host:port
target remote [host]:port
target remote tcp:host:port
target remote tcp:[host]:port
target remote tcp4:host:port
target remote tcp6:host:port
target remote tcp6:[host]:port
target extended-remote host:port
target extended-remote [host]:port
target extended-remote tcp:host:port
target extended-remote tcp:[host]:port
target extended-remote tcp4:host:port
target extended-remote tcp6:host:port
target extended-remote tcp6:[host]:port

Debug using a TCP connection to port on host.The host may be either a host name, a numeric IPv4address, or a numeric IPv6 address (with or without thesquare brackets to separate the address from the port); portmust be a decimal number. The host could be the target machineitself, if it is directly connected to the net, or it might be aterminal server which in turn has a serial line to the target.

For example, to connect to port 2828 on a terminal server namedmanyfarms:

To connect to port 2828 on a terminal server whose address is2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334, you can either use thesquare bracket syntax:

or explicitly specify the IPv6 protocol:

Clion Serial Monitor Software

This last example may be confusing to the reader, because there is novisible separation between the hostname and the port number.Therefore, we recommend the user to provide IPv6 addressesusing square brackets for clarity. However, it is important tomention that for GDB there is no ambiguity: the number afterthe last colon is considered to be the port number.

If your remote target is actually running on the same machine as yourdebugger session (e.g. a simulator for your target running on thesame host), you can omit the hostname. For example, to connect toport 1234 on your local machine:

Note that the colon is still required here.

target remote udp:host:port
target remote udp:[host]:port
target remote udp4:host:port
target remote udp6:[host]:port
target extended-remote udp:host:port
target extended-remote udp:host:port
target extended-remote udp:[host]:port
target extended-remote udp4:host:port
target extended-remote udp6:host:port
target extended-remote udp6:[host]:port

Debug using UDP packets to port on host. For example, toconnect to UDP port 2828 on a terminal server named manyfarms:

When using a UDP connection for remote debugging, you shouldkeep in mind that the ‘U’ stands for “Unreliable”. UDPcan silently drop packets on busy or unreliable networks, which willcause havoc with your debugging session.

target remote | command
target extended-remote | command

Run command in the background and communicate with it using apipe. The command is a shell command, to be parsed and expandedby the system’s command shell, /bin/sh; it should expect remoteprotocol packets on its standard input, and send replies on itsstandard output. You could use this to run a stand-alone simulatorthat speaks the remote debugging protocol, to make net connectionsusing programs like ssh, or for other similar tricks.


If command closes its standard output (perhaps by exiting),GDB will try to send it a SIGTERM signal. (If theprogram has already exited, this will have no effect.)

Whenever GDB is waiting for the remote program, if you type theinterrupt character (often Ctrl-c), GDB attempts to stop theprogram. This may or may not succeed, depending in part on the hardwareand the serial drivers the remote system uses. If you type theinterrupt character once again, GDB displays this prompt:

In target remote mode, if you type y, GDB abandonsthe remote debugging session. (If you decide you want to try again later,you can use target remote again to connect once more.) If you typen, GDB goes back to waiting.

In target extended-remote mode, typing n will leaveGDB connected to the target.


When you have finished debugging the remote program, you can use thedetach command to release it from GDB control.Detaching from the target normally resumes its execution, but the resultswill depend on your particular remote stub. After the detachcommand in target remote mode, GDB is free to connect toanother target. In target extended-remote mode, GDB isstill connected to the target.


The disconnect command closes the connection to the target, andthe target is generally not resumed. It will wait for GDB(this instance or another one) to connect and continue debugging. Afterthe disconnect command, GDB is again free to connect toanother target.

monitor cmd

This command allows you to send arbitrary commands directly to theremote monitor. Since GDB doesn’t care about the commands itsends like this, this command is the way to extend GDB—youcan add new commands that only the external monitor will understandand implement.

Next: File Transfer, Up: Remote Debugging [Contents][Index]